Find Customer Pain Points in Seconds

Enter a problem you want to solve, and we will scour the deepest holes of the internet to find the most common pain points that customers in your niche experience.

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Eliminate the guesswork

Everything you need to make your business grow super fast!

Enter your business idea or niche you work in

Problem Perception allows you to scan billions of data to uncover the most common and recurring pain points users in your industry are currently experiencing.

Save hours of user interviews by simply entering your area or industry and watch our technology amaze you.

View concise customer pain points in your customers language

In a matter of seconds our unique technology is able to group the main customer pain points your users are experiencing.

They are delivered in a user-friendly format and you can save them to your profile.

Save them, solve them and start making profits

Refer back to your customer pain points at any time. Use them in marketing materials, for copywriting, ads, or set up an entire business solving one of these pain points.

Customers are begging to give you their money for solutions. And we just made it even easier to find those problems.

Plans & Pricing

No risk, 30-day money back guarantee!


$4.99 /month
500 Data Points
1 Team Member
Email Support
IOS and Android App
Customizable Dashboard
Metric API
Choose Plan


$10.99 /month
2000 Data Points
1 Team Member
Email Support
IOS and Android App
Customizable Dashboard
Metric API
Choose Plan


$34.99 /month
5000 Data Points
3 Team Member
Email Support
IOS and Android App
Customizable Dashboard
Metric API
Choose Plan
Need more Data Points or Team Members? Please contact us.

What People Say About Us

“Problem Perception has been instrumental in getting my marketing campaigns up and running. I no longer need to guess my customers problems.”

Nicholas Brown
Team Lead @ NB Designs

“Ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna”

Sergie Kalashnikov
CEO at BentoBox

“Nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.”

Bryant Chou
CTO at Slapper Labs